Sunday, January 31, 2010

I don't think you fully appreciate how crazy my dog is

Friday, January 29, 2010

I have to learn Greek now?

My life goals have altered several times over the course of life as it does for most people. Currently, I am on a fifteen year-ish plan when it comes to my future career. Odds are I'll give up the dream eventually, because lets be honest, I'm not the most driven person. Let me give you my plan:

  1. Finish my undergrad degree. I have a year, a couple summer sessions, and my semester of student teaching. This is the most attainable of my goals. The one I am most focused on accomplishing.
  2. Next I will teach for about five years, so I may pay down some of my school debt.
  3. I will then go to get my masters in history education. I will probably achieve this at my current school, because I know it so well (we stick with what we know).  This should take me about two years, if I'm not incapable. I would love to get this done if not for an elevated pay. 
  4. Teach a couple more years to pay down those debts.
  5. Finally, get my Ph.D from either Greensboro or Florida. Depending on which college I choose and the degree I want to go for will dictate whether I must learn Greek or not. I'm not good with languages, so I should probably make up my mind and get to studying.
  6. Then I will teach the unsuspecting college students of the world. Either about ancient Greece or Colonial Pirates (those are the two I'm considering)
These are just my professional goals. I also want to get married and have babies. Just thought you guys should know about what is pressing on my mind recently.