Thursday, March 31, 2011

A little treat.

I have a very high opinion of my dog, and he has the same opinion about himself.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm going to be an adult soon....

What have I been doing? I should have been building a bomb shelter in my basement. I just want to move to Neverland and hangout with the Lost Boys.

I'm not dead by the way as that last post months ago might have lead you to believe.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Never go on webmd after 1 am.

Nothing good will come of it.

I'm not the type of person to be left alone with their thoughts. It really never works out well for me. I had the worst stomach pain I've ever had in my life (or what I have not successfully blocked out of my memory) tonight. There was no way that I wasn't going to hurt and feel nauseous. It just wasn't going to happen, so after a couple of hours of chanting "make it stop! make it stop! make it stop!" I made the foolish decision of looking at my symptoms on webmd. Now, I'm just waiting to fall over dead.

If you haven't been able to surmise from my curmudgeonly antics, I'm not the type of person to go to the doctor unless they are in fact dying.

My pain has ceased, so hopefully this won't be the last you hear from me. The only thing I have to deal with now is the fact that I probably won't be sleeping tonight, because it is now almost 7 in the morning. I did get a chance to research all the dog rescue options in my area for the next time I decide to adopt a dog. That's the only plus that's come out of this.

Moral of this story: Webmd scares me at night and never leave me alone with my thoughts, please. They make me do crazy things.