Friday, March 5, 2010

Most college kids are getting drunk on a beach. I'm basking in the glow of 60 degrees.

I know why pretty people are so mean. It's being hungry and then having to be mad at yourself when you do break down and cram as many twizzlers (the sweet and sour kind) down your faces as humanly possible. At least in my experience that is. I love twizzlers by the way. I've lost four lbs, but I have so many more to go and dwelling on the subject will probably just depress me further. On to happy things...

I have recently descended the mountain to enjoy the warmth of the lower lands. Sadly, 60 degrees is  shorts and tank tops weather to any ASU you'll ever meet. It's really refreshing to not have piles of snow obscuring your sense of humanity. I'm a little mad that during my spring break is when Boone decides that bearable temperatures are a good idea. 

I wish I were on a sand dune:

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