Monday, August 17, 2009

I have in my life time cycled through all the possible career opportunities that would bore me to tears or make me a walking head case. I always fancied myself a bit of a writer even if that notion is a tad bit delusional.

I don't self motivate well. Thus, I need someone to expect me to get things done (and if that person could express some idea of what they want that would be great too). I've given a lot of thought to at least trying to write a novel.

If were to write a novel, this would be the beginning (and that is exactly how it is labeled on my computer):

It could have been the bitter taste of sweat as it snuck its way into my agape mouth. It could have been the increasingly horrible thoughts that raced their way behind my eyes as I tried to mask my surprise. No matter what contributing factors there was one fact that could not be overlooked: he was back and from the look of him he brought a vengeance.

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